12 February 2025

Gee Mr Tracy

"I've the hands of an artist and the soul of a poet but they have to be back by a week on Tuesday"

Gee Mr Tracy were an anarchic blend of the wild poetry of Tom 'Brick' Smith and the irresistible synth-pop tunes of Vince 'Vince' Rogers. Tom rarely knew the words and Vince complemented this by rarely getting the tunes right, a technique pioneered by Testcard F of which he was also a founder member. The audiences loved it.

A cult following soon arose in the mid eighties and radio and TV appearances such as The Tube followed with a stream of singles and two albums. Their later works became deeper and more melodic but no less original.


  • You make my house shine (single)
  • Wish the whole damn world was in a bottle (single)
  • Lava Man (single)
  • Permanent Swoon (single)
  • Shoot me that sherbert Herbert, Straight from the fridge pops (lp)
  • Harmony! Rhapsody! Destiny! (lp)

They once made a video for BBC East that was banned just before transmission. The producers felt it might alarm the audience. This is Norfolk we're talking about after all.

A-Z of Norwich bands - back to the big list

Last updated: Sat, October 28th, 2000