12 February 2025


Endoka first began life as a rock band called "The Crying Lions" around 2003.

Guitarist Greg and drummer Mike subsequently went on to form "Torched under Oath" with bassist Sam and singer Jonno. With Jonno's departure came a new band name and Greg is currently on the mic while a search for a new singer is in progress.

When asked to desribe their music - they said:
Its always hard to describe our music when people ask us what kind of stuff we play. If Faith No More and the Mars Volta were chemically merged into one supergroup then you'd get, well, you'd get a ffffing brilliant band, but I guess we'd sound a bit like that! Basically, we play post hardcore with a smattering of full on metal intertwined with ambient breakdowns and some progressive rock thrown in for good measure!

Band website: www.endoka.bravehost.com/

A-Z of Norwich bands - back to the big list

Last updated: Fri, October 28th, 2005