12 February 2025

Yellow Alert

In 1984-85 a band called Total Wop came on the scene and quickly changed their name to 'The Dizzy Sharks', supporting such local talent as The Blue Warthogs, The Folk Devils and Ton Ton Taboo. They recorded two demo sessions, gigged extensively around Norwich and played their biggest gig at St Andrews Hall with the Fire Hydrant Men and Gee Mr Tracey. Made up of Julian Austin, Shane O'Connor, and Tom Woods, they reformed some 12 years later in the form of 'Flipside', playing gigs around East Anglia for 18 months.

When this line up changed in 1999, we saw the birth of 'Yellow Alert', the underground power pop trio of Shane O'Connor (Guitar, Vocals), Tom Woods (Bass) and Simon Clarke (Drums) much championed by contemporary acts such as Magoo, Kaito and Postalowa. After three demo sessions this project folded in September 2001. Shane O'Connor has gone on to be a lynchpin in Norwich Underground gigs and PR work, and continues to be active in promoting new talent to this day.

A-Z of Norwich bands - back to the big list

Last updated: Sat, December 12th, 2009